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Pass It On Training Day

"Head to Heart"

Saturday 23rd June, The King's Lodge, 9.30 - 4pm



Day's Programme


9.30     Arrive, refreshments

10.00   Welcomes

            Plenary: Olly Goldenberg "Standing firm on God's Word"

11.15   Break & Resources

11.45   Seminars:

"Ministering to the forgotten age group" - Helen Goldenberg

"He sets the lonely in families - God's heart for adoption and fostering" - Lisa Macbeth

"Storytelling with visual aids and tricks" - Steve Macbeth

"Faith into action: inspiration for mission with families and all ages" - Jake Mahal, Andy & Cath Kennedy


12.45   Lunch (bring a packed lunch)

1.40     Plenary: Helen Goldenberg "Being generous with what you have"

2.30     Seminars:

"The process of discipleship" - Olly Goldenberg

"Raising up leaders and developing team" - Andrea Hines

"Deep Justice: engaging with justice from your home to the ends of the earth" - Jake Mahal

"Helping young people to hear God's voice" - Andy Kennedy



3.30     Reflection and ministry time

4.00     Finish




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