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Pass It On

Training to inspire and equip those passing on faith to the next generation

Check back soon for upcoming dates
(info below for 2018 course)
Register interest for our next course
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WHO is it for? Parents… children’s workers… church leaders…youth workers…  

                       anyone with a heart for young people or familes


WHAT? Evening Course - values - principles - tools - activities

             Training Day - A day to be refreshed and re-envisioned in your calling


WHERE? YWAM The Kings Lodge, Watling St, Nuneaton, Warks, CV10 0TZ


WHEN? Evening Course: Tuesday evenings, 15th May - 3rd July, 7-9pm

              Training Day: Saturday 23rd June, 9.30am - 4.00pm

An Evening Course and Training Day designed to give you fresh insights, new inspiration and encouragement in cultivating faith that endures. Some sessions will focus on biblical worldview and core values/principles whilst others will look at specific tools to aid you in discipling children, youth & families. 

Included within the course is the option for individuals to be accredited by The University of the Nations (admin fee: £6).

Pass It On Evening Course

7 Tuesday evenings (7:00-9:00pm)

Human Development
- a whistle-stop tour of a child’s development journey, from in-utero to teen years.


Children & the Kingdom: passive recipients or active agents - what does the Bible say? 

See & Know - practical training in an awesome tool for discipling 0-4s

Keys to Discipling Teenagers - going beyond "info-tainment"!

Faith in Families - exploring the vital role of the home in passing on faith

Let's Go! - exploring the value of intergenerational mission in embedding faith

Creativity night - hands-on workshops in Storytelling, Visual Aids, Creative Prayer and Creative worship



Pass It On Training Day

Saturday 23rd June (9:30am-4:00pm)


A day to be inspired, refreshed and equipped in your calling to pass on lifelong faith to the next generation.


With keynote speakers, our dear friends Olly and Helen Goldenberg.

Currently Olly and Helen, together with their five children, lead a ministry called ‘Children Can' ( Through modeling and training leaders, speaking in many conferences and churches, TV and radio, they have inspired thousands of leaders from different nations and denominations to know how to lead children from a head knowledge of God to a passionate relationship with him.


The day will include plenary sessions with Olly and Helen, plus a range of seminars to choose from.


  • Bring a packed lunch

  • Bookstall available

  • Tea & Coffee served

  • Cost for the day: £15 (concessions for those who sign up for the whole "Pass It On" package)

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