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Indonesia 2020 : July - August : Dates TBC

Building on an established partnership with locals WildFire will be heading to remote parts of Indonesia to get alongisde people and join in with seeing God's kingdom expressed in the everyday lives of some of the worlds morst isolated people groups. 

As a family we will be looking to influence 'all things' for the Kingdom! Jesus entered into the world in a physical body, tangible & meaty. Next summer we want to have an affect on all walks of life, all spheres of influence, in such a way that we come home looking more like Jesus and ready to serve him in our own communities. There will be a range of opportunities for all ages, skill sets & giftings.

Our starting place will be modelling what family can look like when infused by the love of God and the power of Holy Spirit and raising the joy level through celebration & service, but from there we want to express kingdom values into education, business, government, science & technology, media and, of course, the church. We will be aiming to invest time and energy into projects that are catalysts for exponential, long term change in partnership with local people with whom we already have strong relationships and years of experience.

Potential Activities Include:


- Helping Establish a Community & Sustainable Development Hub
- Building and Building Maintenance
- #RaiseTheJoyLevel Parties
- Working with Children/Young People
- Healing the Sick
- Treasure Hunting
- Church Based Ministry

- Visiting remote people groups and simply being with them, valuing them and sharing God's love with them


Please get in touch with your specialist skills so we can plan to make use of your giftings in our activity planning and release you to build the kingdom effectivley as part of the WildFire team.       


Estimated cost: £1800 - more details to follow soon.

Click below to register your interest or give Jake a call on 07973596931 

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