Application Process
Here are the simple steps to apply:
1. Complete online application (click button below)
2. Pay administration fee (click the other button below)
3. References obtained (we do this bit)
4. Complete a Further Information form (we’ll send you the link to this in your acceptance email, once we’ve received your Application and references and prayed over them)
5. Watch out for outreach updates, payment info and ‘what to bring’ lists as the weekend approaches!
If you have previously applied for a WildFire weekend online and your details haven’t changed, you will not need to repeat the process, just:
1. Sign up and pay the administration fee for new events.
2. If you are 17 and under we will need a fresh Parental Consent form for every WildFire weekend you attend (we will email it to you once you have signed up)
Under 10s details are included on parents’ 18+ application forms (if both parents are applying, add your under 10s details to one parent’s form)
Over 18s Applications
10-17s Applications
To be filled in by participant with parent/guardian:
To be filled in by participant:
Application Fee
Click below to sign up and to pay deposit for international outreach